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5 Proven Classroom Management Tips For Special Needs Children

21st March 2022

Children with special needs flourish in the presence of their peers.Every child has the right to receive education. The foundation of inclusive education is when all kids, regardless of their differences, are educated together, everyone aids. Inclusive education values multiplicity and the exclusive contributions each student brings to the classroom.

Managing an all-inclusive classroom is easier if personalized teaching strategies for the special needs student are executed well. Here are some of the proven and helpful tips that will help you create a learning environment that will help school children flourish!

What are the basic elements of inclusive education?

Following are the essential elements of inclusive education ---

  • Use of teaching subordinates or specialists
  • Inclusive curriculum
  • Parental participation
  • Curriculum modifications
  • Assessment
  • Strong communication
  • Enough opportunities

Inclusive education aims at the removal of all barriers that prevent participation and learning for students with special needs.

Classroom Management TipsFor Inclusive Education

Here are five strategies that have been fruitful for working with students in the inclusive classroom.

1. Understand Your Students’ IEPs/504s

As a special educator, it’s significant to connect with your student’s case manager.Get a brief synopsis of the IEP as this will feature the precise services and minutes each student receives, as well as any accommodations and modifications.Start planning as soon as you see the classroom.

2. Try Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

UDL is an approach to curriculum planning and mapping that makes education more engaging and accessible to a broader range of learners with different fortes and needs.Teachers that recognize the significance of UDL comprehend that all learn and express in various ways. UDL builds on Howard Gardner's theories of multiple intelligences.

3. Implement Computer Based Programs

To hold the interest of students with special needs, try various computer-based programs. Children with special needstend to respond well to technology.You can also use your own images to engrave lesson plans for students who have specific interests.Use creative and attractive visual aids such as charts, graphs, and pictures.

4. Plan A strong Behavior Management Strategy

It is important to have evidently communicated expectations as well as goals, that are accessible to all learners.Some specific behavior management strategies are - posting daily schedules, encouraging peer to peer training, speaking to students confidentially about any concerns, executing precise, targeted positive strengthening when a student meets a behavioral or academic goal.

5. Collaborative Planning and Teaching

Talking to paraprofessionals, special education trainers, and parents give you valued opportunities to participate in collaborative teaching. Take help from them, discuss all the important and concerning areas with them and make a connection with them.

To make inclusive education a reality, you can try these approaches ---

  • Ensuring that special educators have the training, flexibility, and resources to teach learners with variousrequirements and learning styles.
  • Make sure that kindergartens and schools receive satisfactory and sustainable financial support.
  • Hold governments accountable for applying antidiscrimination legislation, legal mandates for inclusion, and policies to remove barriers.

Experienced special education teachers are troubleshooting their classroom management strategies each year from the previous school year. Online International Teaching Diploma will prepare you for crafting a solid educational plan while teaching special needs kids.

Written By : Neha Sharma

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