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Gamifying The Classroom: 5 Benefits Of Incorporating Gamification In The Learning Process

20th May 2024

Gamification is a fairly new concept in the education industry. The basic logic behind integrating gamification into students' learning experience is to increase their engagement rate and motivation towards their learning process.

In general, we humans are competitive by nature, and teachers use the elements of gaming and competitiveness in the classroom, which motivate every student to perform better than their peers. This ultimately helps every student get better in their academics.

In the below image, we can see that after retail, the education industry is the top popular sector that has adopted gamified solutions.

Global Market

If you have doubts about how using gamification can improve primary school learner engagement rate and learning experiences. Then, we have got you covered.

In this blog post, we will be sharing, what are benefits of incorporating the concept of gamification in the classroom can create an engaging, immersive, and adaptive learning environment for young learners.

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So, without any further delay, let’s get started.

5 Benefits of Incorporating Gamification In The Learning Process

Improved Engagement Rate

You might find some students are self-motivated towards their learning process but the majority of students have a hard time focusing and concentrating on learning. To make the learning exciting and engaging for the student, you can consider gamifying the classroom and adding the element of rewards.

By rewarding your students at different milestones, you will help them to be engaged and complete their tasks within time. This will improve their attendance rate; student participation rate and you don’t have to worry about bringing their attention back to class.

Example- You can give quizzes related to what you have taught in the classroom and whoever completes it first, will get a virtual achievement badge.

Make Learning Experience Fun

One of the best ways to make learning fun and at the same time informative is by using gamification to improve primary school learners. Gamification gives the freedom to students to decide how much time they want to spend on each lesson-related game and task. On top of that, gamification makes learning more interactive, which helps students to get more immersed.

Make Knowledge Retention and Absorption Easier

Gamifying the classroom helps students retain the knowledge for a longer period of time after learning any lessons. According to many studies, it has been found that if students engage in any games or activities that are related to the lesson, then they absorb and retain the knowledge better than by reading or watching videos.

The integration of gaming and learning works well for students because it simply taps into the natural reward system part of the brain. Whenever students complete any task, their brain releases “Dopamine” which gives them a sense of satisfaction.

Creates a Friendly Competitive Environment

Competition can prove to be a driving factor for many students to give their best in their academics. You can introduce a leaderboard in the classroom, which gives every student point for completing their tasks and assignments and based on their overall performances. This will motivate every student to give their best and top the leaderboard list. However, do remember to notify your students that their main focus should be on completing and performing well in their academics, not beating each other.

Encourages Learning from Mistakes

Gamifying the classroom enables students to make mistakes without the fear of being judged and improves it by exploring different ways to come up with solutions. Gamification makes the learners independent and confident to come up with solutions by trying different avenues, which also gives them a sense of accomplishing something meaningful.

Using Gamification To Improve Primary School Learners Is The Key

Keeping learners engaged with the learning material is difficult to achieve. However, by gamifying the classroom with the above-mentioned strategies you can make the learning experience fun, exciting, and immersive for your learners.

If you are looking to learn more effective ways to make the learning experience more fun and engaging, then consider pursuing courses like International Teaching Diploma Online, where you will get assistance form top expert trainers in the education industry.

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Written By : Abhishek

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