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Gain a Better Understanding of Gender Differences in ADHD: A Comprehensive Guide

14th August 2024

ADHD is one of the neuro-developmental disorders that it is always linked with hyperactivity and hyper-impulsivity and it affects both children and adults. Many researchers linked this neuro-developmental condition like ADHD with boys more than girls. In the below image, also we can witness that boys get diagnosed more often than girls.

Percentage ADHD

The diagnosis rate results from a very long time and leads to the misconception that it affects males more often than females. This leads to misdiagnosis and under-diagnosis of ADHD in girls and adult females.

Recent research has shed light on the major differences in how the symptoms of ADHD affect differently than boys. Those teachers, who have pursued courses like International Teaching Diploma in Kolkata, know about these differences very well.

However, if you also want to understand the gender differences in ADHD, then we have got you covered. In this blog post, we will be exploring the latest findings about gender differences in ADHD, challenging stereotypes will help you to gain a better understanding of this complex condition and disorder.

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What Does The Recent Research Says?

As we have already mentioned recent research has shown us that the symptoms of ADHD affect differently to girls than boys. This result in girls showing less hyperactivity symptoms of ADHD compared to boys. Girls tend to exhibit more internal or psychological symptoms like- depression and anxiety.

Because of this difference in exhibiting symptoms in both boys and girls are drastically different and this leads to misdiagnosis of girls because their symptoms don’t fit the stereotypical ADHD profile which is heavily based on boys.

There’s also a huge role in societal expectations and norms related to gender which also heavily influences how ADHD will be perceived and diagnosed. Societal norms always expect girls to be more focused and compliant which leads to their symptoms being caused by different factors like anxiety or specific learning abilities.

Learn multiple techniques to handle children with ADHD, here:

Differences in Diagnosis of ADHD In Males and Females

According to recent research, the response towards the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD in males and females are different.

Generally, it has been found that males/boys tend to exhibit the symptoms of hyperactivity and disruptive behaviour more and they may receive the diagnosis and attention from teachers, parents, and healthcare professionals.

On the other hand, females/girls may not exhibit these inattentive or hyperactivity symptoms as often as bales/boys which may create a hard time for everyone like- teachers, parents, caregivers, and even healthcare professionals to understand their symptoms of Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder within them. It’s because they tend to develop better-coping strategies to deal with ADHD-related difficulties.

According to a 2018 study, ADHD tends to be manifested and diagnosed with depression and anxiety in females/ girls compared to males/boys. As females/girls do not exhibit overt hyperactivity symptoms healthcare professionals tend to diagnose their symptoms as more personality or internalizing disorders, which ultimately leads to delays in the right diagnosis and treatment.

Gaining Clarity About Gender Differences In ADHD Is Necessary

Having a proper understanding of the gender differences in ADHD is necessary for parents, caregivers, teachers, and healthcare professionals. It helps them to understand the difference in symptoms in both boys and girls and helps them to get diagnosed with a more inclusive approach.

If you want to gain more understanding of children with different abilities and acquire the latest teaching and supporting methods to help them thrive in every aspect of life. Then, consider pursuing courses like the International Teaching Diploma in Kolkata, where you will get assistance from top expert trainers.

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Written By : Abhishek

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